vendredi 17 décembre 2010

Merry Xmas 2010

I've been painting outside and as you can see I have a very cold nose.

mercredi 17 novembre 2010

The Plein Air Prize

Now in its third year, the Plein Air Prize continues to grow. The Prize started as an award at the Paisley Art Institute Annual Exhibition. The Prize is a residency at La Folie des Artistes, a two-bedroom holiday house in the courtyard of our small chateau in the Beaujolais region of south-eastern France. I set up this award to reward, encourage and re-introduce drawing and painting en plein air. Drawing and painting outside is not taken seriously by academic art critics and curators. It is a manner of working practised by some of the greatest artists known in the history of art. In this age of an increasingly screen-bound population it is even more relevant than ever as an art form connected directly to real life. Last year the Prize grew to include an award at the bi-annual Scottish Drawing Competition. In 2010 at the request of the world renowned Glasgow School of Art the Prize grew to include an award at its degree show. Naomi Bourne is the inaugural GSA Plein Air Prize winner and has just finished her residency with a Private View of the paintings made during her residency. We had a great time drawing, painting, mark-making and exploring how to translate direct visual experience into a painted surface.

dimanche 14 novembre 2010

Prix Pictet

This is the second year of what is the most significant and engaged contemporary art exhibition / award I have ever seen. You can find out more at

vendredi 13 août 2010

More watercolour

This is a favourite place in Argyll. An old farm on the shore of a sea-loch near Ardfern.
Terre Noir, a neighbour's farm and winery, with the ubiquitous C15.

Le Pigeonnier of Chateau Bagnols

jeudi 12 août 2010

Bagnols Watercolour Festival

I took part in this watercolour festival for the first time. My spot was in front of this house and I painted this study of its door on during the festival.

mardi 29 juin 2010

Exhibition, Oingt-en-Beaujolais

 Juste un petit rappel au sujet de mon exposition à la "Maison commune" d'Oingt qui se terminera le 4 juillet prochain : le lieu est magnifique et n'est pas une galerie ordinaire. La partie la plus récente date de 1542, la plus vieille du Xe siècle !
J'y expose 60 tableaux, tous peints dans le Beaujolais, dans mon Atelier ou en Ecosse et propose des réductions jusqu'à 60% afin d'encourager les visiteurs à découvrir ce merveilleux espace.
J'espère partager cette exposition avec vous !
Sincèrement, Robert Innes

Informations pratiques :
Ouverture : Tous les jours de 10 à 12h et 14h à 17h
Contact : 06 89 40 01 36

jeudi 10 juin 2010

Reaping the harvest

Drawing the cherry harvest today with a great artist, who some of you will know: J C Brown. What a lovely day: thinking; talking and most importantly making art. It only seems like yesterday I was painting the blossom. Tempus Fugit.

dimanche 14 mars 2010

March 2010, still Winter in the Beaujolais

Trying to finish my gallery space, encountering little problems like the paint icing on the roller. Painting outside is also quite funny at the moment. With wind chill included the temperature last Monday was about -40°C. Genuinely bracing.

dimanche 31 janvier 2010

Last day of my Exhibition.

Thank-you all for coming to see my exhibtion: New Paintings, New Directions.
It has been wonderful to see so many people uplifted by my paintings. There was a nice review in This Is London Magazine. 24 paintings sold to date which makes the considerable investment required to put on the exhibition worth while.
Got to see the Van Gogh Letters and Paintings twice. This morning I was the first person into the galleries. It was wonderful to have 20 minutes alone with the paintings.

mardi 5 janvier 2010