lundi 21 décembre 2009

Snow in Moire

Merry Christmas from Moiré

samedi 12 décembre 2009

Creating a Gallery

This is the current project. Put up and paint the ceiling. Wire in some lights and hang some paintings.

vendredi 27 novembre 2009

New Directions

The Autumn is giving way to winter and I am now painting mostly in my studio. I was not looking forward to my move indoors but have found my children contribute to wonderfully accidental compositions as they work on their own paintings. Their mobility demands a refreshingly spontaneous response and their subsequent absence permits me an elusive freedom to experiment and redevelop my painterly language.

samedi 17 octobre 2009

Blue and Gold

The space in between the buildings here is beautifully defined by the architecture lining the street. The buildings themselves carry the patina of 500 years of continuous occupation with evident charm. I am sometimes asked why I often paint the sky blue. Is it clear ?

My gallery site will show this painting when it is finished.

vendredi 2 octobre 2009

Autumn Blues

What can I add ?

lundi 21 septembre 2009

The vendange is finished for my neighbours.

The grape harvest is over and the vinification is in full swing. Squishing grapes into the presses and tasting the Paradis is the order of these cool early autumn days. Enjoying grapes; pears; walnuts and heaven-scent tomatoes from the garden.

vendredi 11 septembre 2009

At the market

It's impossible not to get excited about salad here. Our favourite stall-holder grows his own produce and it changes with the seasons. Today (21st July) he gave me the sweetest yellow tomatoes I can remember ever tasting. You can see more paintings at

A Vine Life

The Vendange is in full swing and I am frantically painting and drawing this back-breaking work. I'm learning a little about this bibulous life : 1 kg of grapes makes a bottle of wine; each vendangeur picks about 750 kg of grapes a day between shin and thigh height. The red bins of grapes hoisted manually on to trailors and back of them weigh about 90 kg. The village is now smelling sweetly of fermenting grapes, a great year I'm told.

vendredi 28 août 2009

Painting in Fife, August 2009

The bright colours of the boats are complimented by the dark green water in the harbour, reflecting both the colours in the boats and the cool blue Scottish sky. This is a painting completed over several days. This is evident as the boats shown in the painting are not in the same order as when the painting was started.

lundi 27 juillet 2009


I am a painter of life. You can visit my web site at